Porsche Servicing Repairs and workshop services

Having started in 1971 we have just over 50 years experience in all aspects of Porsche. We offer everything from servicing and maintenance. New and used spare parts, in house made lightweight panels. Full suspension geometry checks and adjustments including corner weight scale measurements and changes for road or race. Brake and clutch replacement including upgrades. Tyres supply and fit.  M.O.T, Air con re-gas. For anything and everything Porsche from simple bulb engine, to ground up or sympathetic restorations the list is endless, anything and everything for your Porsche because we share the same passion many owners do.

 Listed below are our fixed price servicing costs, we follow the procedures set by Porsche in your service book.  And advise of any work that needs doing immediately or in the future.

For major services for models marked with **we change the spark plugs, Porsche recommend very long intervals for spark plug and oil changes on 2005 or newer models. It is one of the only things we disagree with them on, as we sometimes see the failures or damage that this can cause. Even though they are modern oils they shouldn’t be running oil for so many miles.

Pre 1997 Models

Prices Exclude VAT

Model 6000 Service 12000 inc spark plugs and fuel/air filters Cam/balance belts/water pump change
924 £195 £265/£395*inc valve clearance adjustment £210 cambelt + £135 water pump (part and labour)
924S / 944 to 1986 £195 £305 £399 cam & balance + £265 water pump (part and labour)
944 1986 – / 944S/944 S2 £195 £305 £399 cam & balance + £265 water pump (part and labour)
944 Turbo £195 £305 £449 cam & balance + £295 water pump (part and labour)
944 SE / 968 CS £195 £305 £399 cam & balance + £295 water pump (part and labour)
968 £195 £305 £399 cam & balance + £295 water pump (part and labour)
928 / S £195 £335 £720 cambelt + £350 water pump/rollers (part and labour)
928 S2 / S4/GT/GTS £195 £350 £720 cambelt + £350 water pump/rollers (part and labour)
912 £205 £395* inc valve clearance adjustment
911 (1965-1984) EXCL TURBO £205 £465* inc valve clearance adjustment
964 C2 / C4 £245 £499* inc valve clearance adjustment
911 Turbo/ 964 turbo 3.3/3.6 £245 £475* inc valve clearance adjustment
993 £245 £479
993 Turbo/GT2 £275 £505

*Including Valve Clearance Adjustment

Miscellaneous Price
Brake Fluid Change for All Models every 2 years  £85
Air Conditioning Recharge Service From £105
Includes vac test, system clean, re-gas, pressure test and print out
Suspension Geometry check 2 or 4 Wheel

Pre or post purchase inspection including road test and report

From £95. Corner weight check £150, adjust corner weights price once assessed.


1997+ Models.  Some of the later models have more complicated service intervals, not every major has spark plug changes for example. Call or email us if you are unsure which service is due.

Prices Exclude VAT

Model Year Type 10000 miles/ Annual Service 20000/40000 major Inc. Spark Plugs every 4 years 0r 60k**
986 Boxster 1997 to 2005 2.7 £210 £349**
986 Boxster 1997 to 2005 2.5 £210 £349**
986 Boxster 1997 to 2005 Boxster S £210 £349**
987 Boxster & Cayman 2005+ Boxster/Cayman £210 £349**
981/ Boxster & Cayman 2012-16 Boxster & Cayman S £220 £299 + £165 spark plug change 4 years/40k. Air filter replace 6 year/60k £99.
718 Boxster/982 Cayman




















Boxster & Cayman




Carrera 2/4
















£299  + £165 Spark plug change 4 years/40k. Air filter replace 6 year/60k £99. GTS air filter replace 4.0 £149

+£275 spark plug change GT4 4 years/30k.









996 1998 to 2005 C4S £210 £349**
996 Turbo 1998 to 2005 Turbo / GT2 £210 £450**
997 Gen 1 2005-2008 Carrera C2 / C4 £210 £349**
997 Gen 2 2008-2013 Carrera C2S / C4S £220 £379        £460** inc plugs every 40k miles
997 Turbo Turbo / GT2 £210  £320 gen 1/gen 2.  Plus £360 plug change (every 60k or four years).  997.2 turbo  plug change £450





















































v6 petrol(non turbo)

v6 turbo diesel


4 E hybrid


Turbo/Turbo S


v6 petrol turbo


4 E hybrid/4S

4S diesel



Turbo S E hybrid




Macan 4 cylinder

Macan S V6 Turbo

Macan S diesel

Macan GTS

Macan Turbo


Cayenne diesel

Cayenne S/GTS

Cayenne Turbo/turbo S

































£325 + £160 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)


£325 + £230 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)

£325 + £249 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)

£325 + £249 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)

£325 + £249 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)


£325 + £249 spark plug change (every 30k miles or 3 years)


£375 + £230 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)


£325 + £249 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)

£325 + £249 spark plug change (every 30k miles or 3 years)

£325 + £269 spark plug change (every 30k miles or 3 years)




£325 + £230 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)

£325 + £249 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)


£325 + £249 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)

£325 + £249 spark plug change (every 30k miles or 4 years)

£325 + £180 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)


£325 + £220 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)

£325 + £249 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)





Cayenne 2010-2014 Cayenne S hybrid/SE hybrid £240 £325 + £249 spark plug change (every 40k miles or 4 years)
Miscellaneous Price
Brake Fluid Change for All Models every 2 years  £89
Air Conditioning Recharge Service From £110
Includes vac test, system clean, re-gas, pressure test and print out
Drive Belt Replacement £99 during service. £125 outside of service work.
Suspension Geometry 2 or 4 Wheel

Pre or post purchase inspection including road test and detailed report

From £125. Corner weight check £150, adjust corner weights price once assessed.

£210  + £125 bore inspection on 986/996/997 models (non GT or Turbo models)